Free Range Chicks – a network of women who want to share their love, strength, hope and joy with others.
Tips & Topics
- Seize the Day!
- Top Tips for Parenting
- A Mother’s Dream Fulfilled
- The Power of your Mind
- The Power of Reconciliation
My Story - Mary’s Story
- Amy’s Story Part 1
- Amy’s Story Part 2
- Sheila’s Story Part 1
- Sheila’s Story Part 2
- Maria’s Story
- Susan’s Story
- Heather’s Story
- Karen’s Story
Prayer - Why Pray?
Help & Advice - Pregnancy Counselling
Mary’s Story
‘I was delivered from fear and loneliness into a relationship of love and acceptance with Jesus. My daughter Lucy, who is a stunning, captivating, live-wire, is a testimony of God’s faithfulness to me.’
Mary looks like you and me or the girl next door, but there is just something about her. There is a radiance in her face and a purpose in her walk that sets her apart in her community.
Far from being ordinary, Mary has a wonderful testimony of what God has done in her life by transforming her marriage and giving her the gift of a child.
Mary’s dad left home when she was two and Mary spent much of her time alone with mum. Her life before God was one of loneliness and low self-esteem, insecurity and selfishness, which led to Mary experimenting with drugs and alcohol.
She married at 20 but a cycle of mental abuse ensued. Her husband’s social life revolved around drink and Mary either tagged along or lived an independent life.
Arguments and put-downs were a way of life and eventually Mary decided to leave. Her husband begged her to stay and asked if she would consider a holiday.
By this time Mary was convinced he simply wanted to harm her and decided she should take a bible with her for protection. She had never read it and had no real idea about who God is.
On the plane she started to read and as she read Genesis she saw how the man and woman had grieved God. Mary identified with God and compared the people’s rejection of His love to her own rejection in her relationship with her husband.
She then made the decision to follow God and get to know Him. Mary found she could not put her bible down throughout the holiday and decided that God did not want her to split up with her husband.
Over the next six months Mary prayed for her husband to become a Christian and then, miraculously one morning, he decided he would go to church. This was the start of a transformation, through God’s love, in their married life.
But the story for Mary was far from over. During the first six years of her stormy marriage Mary had been trying, unsuccessfully, for a baby to try to ‘make things right’ through ICSI treatment.
She became a Christian and, a month later, when their second attempt of ICSI treatment had not worked, Mary felt God gave her Isaiah 54 and the promise of a child. She was so certain of God’s promise that she changed her spare room into a baby’s room.
Mary and her husband had even been approved through the adoption process but, two years down the line, decided to stop. God had told them not to have an Ishmael, but to wait for an Isaac – not to try to fulfil God’s vision in their own strength.
Seven years after God’s promise of a child, Lucy was born on May 4.
God was faithful to His promises and Lucy was certainly worth waiting for!
In Mary’s words:
‘I was delivered from fear and loneliness into a relationship of love and acceptance with Jesus.’
I want to reach out to women who are stuck in the same lifestyle as I was and tell them who God is and how much He loves them.’
If you want to know Jesus like Mary, then please consider
1. Are you prepared to surrender control of your life into God’s hands.
2. Do you desire to be free of your sin and want to accept the offer of forgiveness through Jesus?
If both are yes, please pray the following:
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Forgive me for all I have done which offended you. I want you to be the Lord of my life. Thank you for saving me.
I ask you Holy Spirit to come and fill me with your presence to strengthen my life.
Give me hope for tomorrow and hunger for your Word and Ways.
In Jesus Name