Free Range Chicks – a network of women who want to share their love, strength, hope and joy with others.
Tips & Topics
- Seize the Day!
- Top Tips for Parenting
- A Mother’s Dream Fulfilled
- The Power of your Mind
- The Power of Reconciliation
My Story - Mary’s Story
- Amy’s Story Part 1
- Amy’s Story Part 2
- Sheila’s Story Part 1
- Sheila’s Story Part 2
- Maria’s Story
- Susan’s Story
- Heather’s Story
- Karen’s Story
Prayer - Why Pray?
Help & Advice - Pregnancy Counselling
Pregnancy Counselling
CARE is a well-established mainstream Christian charity that undertakes a variety of social caring and educational programmes as well as research and lobbying on associated issues.
CARE Centres Network is the department of CARE that networks and resources over 150 independent crisis pregnancy centres around Britain.
In addition, we offer a free and confidential telephone helpline called CAREconfidential. Our trained advisors will inform callers of the various options open to them and assist them in the decision making process, answering any questions or concerns they may have.
Whether through a local centre or via one of our CAREconfidential advisors, our aim is to provide callers with caring support and accurate information on the options available whilst also respecting personal opinions or beliefs. We do not charge clients.
Our trained advisors are experienced in this field, and receive ongoing supervision and further training to ensure best possible practice.
To get further help, visit CARE here.