Free Range Chicks – a network of women who want to share their love, strength, hope and joy with others.
Tips & Topics
- Seize the Day!
- Top Tips for Parenting
- A Mother’s Dream Fulfilled
- The Power of your Mind
- The Power of Reconciliation
My Story - Mary’s Story
- Amy’s Story Part 1
- Amy’s Story Part 2
- Sheila’s Story Part 1
- Sheila’s Story Part 2
- Maria’s Story
- Susan’s Story
- Heather’s Story
- Karen’s Story
Prayer - Why Pray?
Help & Advice - Pregnancy Counselling
Susan’s Story
Susan changed from being scared of everything from thunderstorms, dogs and even her husband, to a woman of confidence and security in Christ.
Even from an early age Susan had low self-esteem and was extremely quiet. She was sent to a children’s home when she was eight years old because her mother could not support all six children. She was afraid of her father who she rarely saw as he was in the RAF. He eventually ran away with her foster mum who did not want him to stay in touch with Susan and the other children anymore.
Susan’s early years were marred with heart breaks and tragedy. She became pregnant at 19 by a married man who left her when her son was six weeks old. She later married a divorced man called Peter and had a daughter called Mary who was born with disabled legs. She underwent many operations over the next few years. Susan’s son was adopted by her husband but later died of leukaemia.
Susan was devastated and her husband could not cope. He began to drink heavily and would verbally abuse Susan who felt rejected, unloved and scared. She felt she did not have any life and identity of her own. They had another son four years later and it wasn’t long before both children were attending Sunday school. Susan had good memories of Christians from the time she spent in the children’s home which had offered so much more than she had at home at that time.
Eventually Susan started to go to church and soon became a Christian. It was then that she really knew that God would change her situation. But the changes have happened slowly over time and there were moments when she felt like giving up. Her husband would ridicule her for her Christianity and she learned to try to shield her children from his abuse by doing exactly as she was told. Susan started to pass the abuse on to her teenage, rebellious daughter but she also started to pray with three other ladies at her church.
As a result of their prayers, Susan’s husband became a Christian and life started to improve but they have both had their tests of faith. In 1991, Susan’s husband had a tumour in the spine. It was removed in the Brook Hospital and after only three days he could walk. He also had a bleed in the brain but God healed him within seven days. There was also a rift between Susan’s husband and son over eight months which was eventually healed when they were reconciled to each other.
In spite of her problems over the years, God has used Susan in prison bible studies, church Alpha courses and in evangelism. From being a person of low self-esteem, she now has a confidence in God. She recently went to India to preach and teach with her husband in the rural villages and plans to go again. As well as encouraging the people they take money for the widows, orphans and lepors. In Susan’s words, ‘God will use anyone who is willing and we have seen many saved and healed. I used to feel a failure but failure is not the end but is the first step to success.’
Susan has a favourite song which she feels sums up her situation:
Christ is the answer to my every need
Christ is the answer, He is my friend indeed
Problems of life my Spirit may assail
With Christ my Saviour I need never fail